
In person and live stream worship service begins each Sunday at 9:00 am
Sunday Bulletin

Faith Formation

Preschool through high school with separate confirmation,
One adult forum class
All Faith Formation classes will be from 10:15 a.m to 11:15 a.m.
Classes run from September to May.
REQUIRED: Registration Form for all youth activities
WATCH: Immanuel Child Abuse Prevention Training


  • If you would like to donate/help put together packages for Lutheran World Relief, the item lists are now available online for the kid backpacks, baby layettes and bath in the documention section of this website.
  • Remote Access to Services

    • Sunday worship will now start at 9:00 a.m. via a live stream on Facebook
    • We will also have conference call worship available. Call 319-656-2663 (note this is the conference call number) any time after 8:50 a.m. Sunday for worship and enter participant code 344238#. Through your phone you will be able to participate in worship. This is only available live during the worship hour.

    Newsletters and Calendars


    You can now give your donations to Immanuel Lutheran online though this website.

    vancopayments qr

    If you would like to give using the mobile app, please download for your specific mobile device.

    Downloadable Documentation


    Hear Love. Share Christ's Love.

    Immanuel Lutheran Church, affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a vibrant congregation located on Highway 92 on the east side of Washington, Iowa - a community of 7,300 people about 32 miles south of Iowa City.

    IMMANUEL, means "God With Us" and indeed, we are a congregation rich in His Blessings.  Ours is a shared ministry which is characterized by friendliness, concern and love for brothers and sisters throughout God's global family.

    At Immanuel there is a rich blend of cultures, traditions and occupations - people of all ages joyfully learning and growing together in Christian love as we serve the community and the world. Please allow us to welcome you at next Sunday's worship service!


    My dear children, let us not just talk about love; let us practice real love.

    Regardless of your age, interests or talents, there are endless opportunities to get involved at Immanuel — to make lifelong friends, to learn and to serve the church.   You are encouraged to explore and participate in any or several of these activities.

    The adult choir, under the direction of Sara Bartlett, frequently bring an extra note of joyful praise to worship services late August through late May. Mike Jewell accompanies the adult choir. There are no auditions; all that's required is a desire to glorify God with your talent. The choir rehearses on Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Generally, they will sing twice each month and at additional times during the church year.

    Prayer Shawl Ministry
    Women with compassion and the love of knitting/crocheting have been combined into a prayerful ministry and spiritual practice. During the making of each prayer shawl, the knitter/crocheter prayers for the love, protection, and grace of God upon the recipient. Upon completion, the shawl is held, in a loving embrace, by several members of the congregation while a blessing is bestowed upon it. The shawls are given to those in need of comfort and strength, as well as in celebration and joy.

    Milestone Ministry
    God's family at Immanuel Lutheran recognizes the journey with God both at church and at home through acknowledging the milestones in our lives. Our milestones are written upon paper rocks and posted on the Milestones board in our main hallway. Colored rocks are taken as a tangible symbol of the occasion being marked, as well as a reminder of God's presence in our daily life. The milestones are printed in Immanuel's monthly newsletter.

    Women's Circle
    The women's bible study circle at Immanuel meets the second Tuesday of the month at the church at 1:30 PM.

    HOPE Day
    (Helping Other People Everywhere)
    Formerly known as the Sew Day ladies, these women meet at the church every week on Wednesdays from 9:00 to 11:30 AM for a morning of socializing and working on various projects for Lutheran World Relief or disaster assistance. These projects include layettes, bags for school kits, and quilts.


    Immanuel Lutheran Church, Staff and Congregational Council

    Sara Bartlett
    Sara Bartlett
    Choir Director
    Micheal Jewell
    Mike Jewell
    Kelly Smith
    Kelly Smith
    Ron Brown
    Ron Brown
    Deb Shepherd
    Deb Shepherd
    Financial Secretary

    Congregational Council - 2024

    Beverly Bailey (President)
    Peg Harris (Vice President)
    Ryan Woline(Secretary)
    Taylor Bartholomew
    Tricia Kroll
    Clyde Pearce
    Linda Six


    God's riches descending on an impoverished world

    Our church building was designed to give a sense of "timeless beauty" from within, as well as a welcoming message to passers-by. In the sanctuary, gothic arches are suggested in the arrangement of the windows and the shape of the ceiling, while a more contemporary seating arrangement allows us to "gather around His table."

    Holy Communion

    Immanuel Lutheran Church As we arrive for worship, we're greeted by the baptismal font, reminding us that we enter God's presence through our baptism. The sanctuary itself seats approximately 200; larger groups may be accommodated by opening into the adjacent fellowship hall, where up to 200 people may comfortably share meals. The entire building is handicapped-accessible and personal sound amplifiers are available during services; ask an usher for assistance.

    The light and warmth of Christ surrounds us as we worship. And, especially at night, the truth of His love spills out through the windows to cheer and beckon weary travelers entering the town of Washington. The light speaks of a descent. The stars descend from the window behind the cross and spread themselves throughout the room. These stars represent the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham, in which God promised to give Abraham many offspring, a people dedicated to the Lord.

    The Hand of God - Creation

    In our windows, red and orange flames also descend and spread, each one pointing to the pronouncement of a promise. In the left window at the front, God's hand in creation holds flames which represent the promise in the white-hot moment of creation, when God made a world and pronounced it "GOOD!" The hand also holds an olive branch symbolizing the promise to Noah that the earth would never be destroyed again. In the center window the flaming sun proclaims the promise given in Christ that all of us would be forgiven. In the right front window, the flames represent the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, shown as a dove, is the guarantee of salvation through Jesus' death.

    The descent of grace continues as more flames tell of the promise in the Holy Sacraments. In the front west window, Holy Communion is the subject. The burning flames signify the promise our Lord made when he said he gave his Body and Blood "for you." In the rear window, the cross rises from the water, symbolizing the promise of Holy Baptism, that each day a new self shall arise within us. The cross rising from the waters is a "chi rho," a special cross constructed from the first two letters in the word "Christ" in Greek.

    The Holy Spirit

    Milestones in Immanuel's History

    Aug. 1960
    Formation of Immanuel Lutheran Church as a congregation affiliated with The American Lutheran Church. The Rev. Marvin Mueller of Hope Lutheran Church near Brighton is called to serve on a part-time basis.
    Sept. 1960
    First worship service conducted in the Farm Bureau Building, corner of East Jefferson Street and South Second Avenue.
    July 1961
    The Rev. Dennis A. Stutrud is called to be Mission Developer and pastor of the congregation.
    Oct. 1961
    Pastor Stutrud is installed and groundbreaking services are conducted for a new church building at East Washington Street and South 13th Avenue
    Oct. 1961
    First Baptism - Jene Paul Yoder, son of Gene and Marilyn Yoder
    June 1962
    Service of Dedication for new church building
    Aug. 1962
    First wedding - Lois Boettcher and Louis Pronga
    Apr. 1963
    First funeral - Mrs. Ellen Lenmark
    June 1963
    First confirmation class - Starr Gallagher, Viola Helfrich, Cynthia Krantz, Ronald McAvoy, Samuel Shepherd, Daniel Simmering, Janice Thies
    Feb. 1967
    The Rev. Einar A. Fetterman is installed as pastor
    June 1969
    Congregation votes to purchase land and home to use as Sunday School Annex
    Dec. 1973
    The Rev Wayne Wilkin serves as interim pastor
    Jan. 1975
    The Rev. Ernest M. Caltvedt is installed as pastor
    Nov. 1978
    Congregation votes to build a large addition to its present facility and to sell the parsonage to Pastor Caltvedt
    Sept. 1979
    Dedication Service for the new education addition
    May 1984
    The Rev. James K. Jensen is installed as pastor
    Nov. 1985
    Congregation celebrates 25th anniversary
    Summer '86
    A new roof is installed on original building
    Jan. 1988
    Congregation becomes part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
    Aug. 1988
    Old Fellowship Hall is divided into six Sunday School classrooms
    Jul. 1994
    The Rev. Brian Gentz is installed as pastor
    Nov. 1996
    Congregation votes to build a new sanctuary and remodel the education & office areas
    Jan. 1998
    Dedication of newly built sanctuary and remodeled areas
    Sept. 2008
    The Rev. Stephen J. Koch arrives to serve as interim pastor
    April 2009
    The Rev. Stephen J. Koch is installed as pastor
    June 2012
    Reverend Maureen Howard was installed as our current Pastor

    Contact Us

    Immanuel Lutheran
      1226 E. Washington Street
            Washington, Iowa 52353
      319 653 3950
      Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Copyright 2024 - All Rights Reserved.